School Payments: Each family is required to set up a family account with FACTS for automatic bank account withdrawal or credit card charge of most school fees: registration, tuition, extended day care, enrichment programs, script/gift card buyout balances, etc. You will be notified by email from FACTS about upcoming charges. Please contact the school office if you have any questions or concerns about payments and/or the FACTS program.
Continuous Enrollment: HTS assumes your family/children will be staying at HTS through eighth grade unlessyou advise the office in writing/ email to the contrary. FACTS will roll over your demographic and banking information (to facilitate ongoing payments) from year to year until graduation or until you tell HTS to stop.
Annual Registration: fees are payable via automatic withdrawal/charge from your family’s FACTS account in December at a rate of $150/student for returning students and $200/student for new students. All registration fees are non-refundable.
Raise Right Formerly Script: In addition, each family must participate in the “Raise Right/ Gift Card Program.” Specifics are detailed below.
Raise Right/Gift Card Program: Each family must generate a minimum of $325/year in revenue to support our school in one of three ways:
Extended Day Care: HTS will bill families based on their participation in the EDC Program; payments are via automatic withdrawal/charge from FACTS. For the 24-25 school year, the Extended Care fee is $10.00 per hour per child. (A reduced rate of $ 8.00/child will be charged for siblings who attend aftercare together.) Extended Care ends promptly at 6 p.m. Additional charges will apply for late pickup.
Annual Class Dues of $ 35/ student are collected via FACTS in September / October.Each Family Is Responsible for Meeting its Financial Obligations (tuition, fees, scrip program, EDC, etc.) in a timely manner according to the Schedule of Fees published for each school year. When a family fails to meet its financial obligations, payments are considered in arrears. Services may be suspended until all financial obligations have been met.
2 Year Old Tues/Thurs 9:00-11:30 AM $2,745
PK 3
3 mornings M/W/F (8:30-11:30) $4,386
5 mornings (8:30-11:30) $5,485
3 full days M/W/F (8:30 am-2:45pm)* $6,674
5 full days (8:30 am-2:45 pm)* $8,355
*Later Dismissal time for 24/25 school year
5 full days (8:30 am-2:45pm) $8, 355
in parish non-parish
Grades K-8 1 child $8,111 $9,426
Grades K-8 2 children $14,827 $18,320
Grades K-8 3 or more children $20,149 $25,927
Policy Defining Parishioner Family
A parishioner family’s eligibility for in-parish tuition rates for Grades K-8 is defined as a family that:
• attends Sunday Eucharist on a regular basis;
• practices the stewardship way of life, actively sharing time, talent, and treasure with the parish community;
• is a registered member of a parish within the Archdiocese of Newark for at least one year;
Families are required to present an acknowledgement from their Pastor confirming their registration and participation in their Archdiocese of Newark parish.